Create a sidebar

Sidebars are used for information users typically always want, but is unrelated to the current page.  For example, sidebars may contain Contact Us information, hours of availability, most popular pages on the site, etc...  Once you create a sidebar you can use it any number of times on webpages.

There are two ways to create sidebars:

  • Create sidebars directly in the page you are creating
  • Create sidebars ahead of time for later use

Create sidebars at the same time as creating a Basic or Service page

  • While creating a Basic or Service Page, go to the bottom of the page and click Add New Sidebar

    add new sidebar button
  • Enter the sidebar title, [optional] email address and [optional] phone number

    The title is only to select the sidebar in the future when adding it to a page.  It does not appear anywhere on the webpage.

  • Use the three buttons on the bottom to build out the content for the sidebar

    buttons for creating content
  • You MUST click Create Sidebar to add the sidebar to the page

    IMPORTANT: Simply clicking the SAVE/Publish button will not add the sidebar to the page.  You must click the Create Sidebar button.

    create sidebar button

    Once the sidebar is created, you can add it to other pages as well.

Adding previously created sidebars

  • Go to the bottom of a Basic or Service page and click Add existing sidebar

    add existing sidebar button
  • Enter the title of the sidebar to add to the page.

  • Click Add Sidebar

    IMPORTANT: Simply clicking the SAVE/Publish button will not add the sidebar to the page.  You must click the Create Sidebar button.

    add sidebar button

Create Sidebar for later use