Display directories, Academic Site: Faculty

You can enable the faculty directory page to list all the profiles entered.  You can also create a Landing Page a list of pre-filtered directory tiles.

Enable Directory page to display

Once you create profiles, you can enable the directory page to display a listing of the profiles created.

  • Go to the menu settings

    access site menu
  • Check the box for Directory to enable the link

    enable Directory by checking box

    That's it!  Now there will be a Directory link on your site navigation listing all profiles entered.

Create a pre-filtered directory

NOTE: you must first enable the directory page (described above) to create a pre-filtered listing.

  • From the Landing Page content entry, select Add Views Display

    select add views display
  • From the Views Field dropdown, select cu_staff_directory (requires: all OR #/directory/term/14,15)

    views field dropdown choices
  • In another window, go to the complete directory listing you enabled above.

  • Filter the listing to the subset of profiles you want on the webpage.

    In the following example, the list is filtered to "International Students and Scholars Office" and "Student Services Morningside".

    directory filtered to "International Students and Scholars Office" and "Student Services Morningside".
  • Copy the arguments generated next to the filters, in this case "#/directory/term/22,39"

    where to find arguments
  • Go back to the original service Landing Page you are creating

  • Paste the arguements into the Arguments field

    NOTE: in this example, the pasted arguments is: #/directory/term/22,39

    paste arguments into field