New Stuff
- We took a dose of our own medicine and launched a website.
- The Administration model is now live. This model includes all the features and free services of the Research model but is optimized for the needs of administrative units. It also contains the same content types except Research Publications and Alumni, and it adds a new content types called Services. Create a compilation of all the services your unit offers and allow users to sort them by categories that you define.
- A single page, or your entire website, can now be protected and put behind UNI log in.
- Login permission can be given to students, alumni, faculty, one of each, or all, up to you. Work with the Columbia Sites team to set up access rights.
- Basic Pages now accept anchor tags so users can jump to specific content.
- Images can be hyperlinked, not just the text beneath them.
- You can now customize links in the Utility Navigation.
- Accordions now have the option of being numbered, to keep things tidy.
Bug Zapper
The Weirdness is out there. Email us to report a sighting.