Research Models

Launching the K=1 Project site required minimal training largely to due to a group of dedicated students who migrated content under the direction of a Columbia Sites editor.

The Electronic Lab Notebooks team completed a few training sessions with the Columbia Sites team and launched their site after completing the content migration process on their own.
Administration Model

Tompkins Hall met with a Columbia Sites editor three times, including training, and launched their site with some advice on information architecture and use of images.

The new online portal for Facilities & Operations drew extensively on services provided by Columbia Sites.

This site began with an inquiry about upgrading an existing site and launched after two training sessions and minimal user experience and editorial input from the Columbia Sites team.

The Center for American Studies relied exclusively on services provided by Columbia Sites.

With help content migration help from the Columbia Sites team, Public Safety launched their site using our Administration template.

With our easy to use platform, this one page site was completed within a few hours of the client's request for a new site. I was moved to production within five days.