Decision Tree
**Available on the Administrative model.
The Decision Tree module allows users to view information depending how they answered a set of questions. Additionally, each question in the decision tree can lead to different questions depending on the response of the previous question ultimately exposing very specific information relevant to how users answered the questions.
From the Add Content menu select Decision Tree
Enter Title
You can optionally enter in a description. If entered, it only displays on the first question. Once the user answers the first question the description is hidden. (The title remains visible for the entire set of questions in the Decision Tree.)
Enter in the branch title
The branch title becomes the question for the user to answer
Optional: enter in the branch text. This renders as descriptive text for the branch title
Enter the answers to the question entered in step 2
- Each answer renders as a button.
- For each answer, click Confirm new branch to get another slot to enter another answer.
- Use the arrows on the right to order the buttons.
- Each answer renders as a button.
Create the next branch for each answer
Click the answer button for which you want to create a follow up question
Repeat steps 3-4 above to create the new set of question / answers
IMPORTANT: You can easily access the branch to which you want to create another set of question / answers by clicking on the branch. This activates that branch for you to add another set of questions / answers.
NOTE: in this example, the decision tree for this branch is done; no Starbucks is allowed today. So, no branches need to be added since there are no more answers to create.
Add Existing Branch
Imagine a branch (which can be a bunch of question and answers) has been created already in the Decision Tree and you want to "repeat" this entire branch in another position in the Decision Tree. Branches previously created branches can be referenced and used any place in the tree.
Using the example from above, add another branch
Click Add Existing Branch to link to another branch previously created
Start typing into the field "Enter button title for existing branch here"
Once you type into this field a dropdown of all previously created branches will become visible.
Select an existing branch from the dropdown
Now everything set for the existing branch will live in this position of the tree.
NOTE: The IDs in the dropdown mirror the IDs in the Decision Tree Branches at the bottom of the page for convenience.